Saturday, August 2, 2008

Diving In

It's official: I am returning to NTBI this fall! I have been literally bouncing around the house the past few days, and I can't believe it's less than two weeks away!

As of today, I have $1,610 of the $1,800 that I need for the initial payment, though I also need $200-$300 for travel expenses, etc. But I have felt nothing but peace about my decision, and both of my parents are completely for it, so I'm diving in and trusting that God remembered to fill the pool!

I will be turning in my slightly-less-than-two-weeks-notice at work and I plan to leave for Wisconsin on August 14th.

I want to send a HUGE hug of thanks to all of you who have been a part of my life this summer through your prayers; I am so blessed to have an amazing network of God-followers in my life!

And a special note:
Olivia, you are the best friend ANYONE could have! I will miss you more than you know this semester. Thanks for all of your support, and for being happy with me even though I know you don't want me to go away. I will treasure every moment I got to spend with you this summer, doing crazy photoshoots and having serious converstions. You are in my heart and my prayers, and never forget that we are both in Christ: we will never be truly apart.
With love,

More updates to come as Day Zero draws closer!

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